Installing the Transcription Service and Analysis CLI (Command Line Interface) with Google cloud

The transcription service and analysis CLI enables the Power mode in the Chrome extension to work. It enables guest side transcription, provides engagement, sentiment and interrogatives.

Note : Power mode is unavailable on firefox because of lack of support for capturing tab audio.

The transcription service and the analysis CLI can be installed as a Docker compose application. To install both as application using docker application follow these instructions:

  1. Make sure you have Docker installed on your system. If not, go to and follow the instructions there to get started with Docker.

  2. Make sure you have Git installed. If not, go to and follow the instructions there.

  3. You can find the enhan(t) project on Github at Clone the repository by running the following git clone command on your terminal:

    git clone

    On Windows to prevent line ending issues clone using this command instead:

    git clone --config core.autocrlf=false
  4. Next, to have locally trusted development certificates we need to install mkcert. Please follow the installation instructions How to add certificate for localhost for cli utility for detailed instructions

  5. Now go to the cloned ‘enhant’ directory and then run go to certificates directory.:

    $ cd certificates-and-credentials
  6. Run following to create the certificates.:

    $ mkcert -key-file key.pem -cert-file cert.pem localhost ::1
  7. Change your directory to your cloned repo.

  8. To use Google cloud for speech to text, you need to register for google speech to text API, download the google cloud service credentials file on your system and copy it into folder <repo_folder>/certificates-and-credentials folder additionally rename file as google_credential_file.json.

  9. Start Docker containers:

    cd /path/to/enhant-repo/
    docker-compose -f docker-compose-google-cloud.yml up
  10. To Stop Docker containers, Open terminal and run the following commands:

    cd <path-to-repo> //you need to be in your repo folder
    docker-compose -f docker-compose-google-cloud.yml down