Tips, Troubleshooting and FAQs


Speech to text does not work in firefox?

The web speech API for firefox is not enabled out-of-the-box. To use the API :

First make sure you are running Firefox Nightly newer than 72.0a1 (2019-10-22). Then type about:config in your address bar, search for the media.webspeech.recognition.enable and media.webspeech.recognition.force_enable preferences and make sure they are set as true.

Refer here for more details.

What does offset mean in enhan(t) Dashboard Viewer?

If you upload recording in addition to the meeting data, you see a separate video section in the dashboard. On top of the video seekbar / progress bar you will see how notes have been captured over time as well as the variation of sentiment and engagement score (in a line chart). On clicking the settings icon in the video media player, you see the option to enable/disable the chart and one to add a time based offset of format hh:mm:ss. This offset is a means for you to indicate time difference between the moment you started the recording and the moment when enhant plugin was started.

For example, if your recording started 10 min before the enhant plugin - you will add the offset value -00:10:00 and if the recording started 10 minutes after the plugin you will add the offset value of 00:10:00. Doing this will shift the timeline for all the data across the dashboard and you will get better sense of guest actions over the course of entire recording.

In a situation where the offset is positive (recording started after the enhant), any data collected before the recording will be represented in negative time. This happens because data is now represented in the context of the recording uploaded.

By default - it is assumed that the plugin and the recording started around the same time.

Note: Offset calculation is a manual process, and needs to be evaluated separately because recording is not part of the enhant system so there is no way to evaluate inside of dashboard automatically.

What are the supported languages?

The Chrome Extension provides the host side transcription (from microphone) in both Basic Mode and Power mode. Currently we provide support for English (US) and English (IN) for host side transcription.

Guest side transcription (from tab audio) is available only in the Power mode when used in conjunction with the transcription service. When the default Vosk service is used, it can only provide transcription optimized for English (US). If the alternate Google Cloud Speech to Text service is used, it can provide transcriptions optimized for both English (US) as well as English (IN), as per the setting applied in the Chrome extension.

Error:- Docker container crashed

If your transcription service crashes or docker goes down, please raise a issue on github with details. Check if you have allocated sufficient RAM to docker container by going to docker dashboard, enhant local transcription service needs at least 4 GB of RAM for it to work without issue, After allocating sufficient memory/RAM restart application. To restart the application, open terminal and run the following commands:

cd <path-to-repo> //you need to be in your repo folder

docker-compose up

enhant will start again

Error:- certfile=cfg.CERT_FILE_PATH, keyfile=cfg.KEY_FILE_PATH FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Make sure you have installed local ssl certificate before starting service using docker-compose up. Refer How to add certificate for localhost for cli utility for instructions

How to remove dangling Docker images?

If you are using docker to build and manage enhant it may happen that after running docker-compose build multiple times you may start to run out of disk space. To recover some of this disk space you can remove dangling docker images using this command:

docker rmi $(docker images -f 'dangling=true' -q)
docker system prune